Why Does a Clean House Feel Good?


Did you ever wish you could have a self-cleaning home? Or to wake up in a clean room without any signs of clutter? Everybody loves to have a neat space as it has a beneficial effect on both our physical and mental health. The psychology of house cleaning brings us a feeling of accomplishment, emotional comfort, and uplifts our mind and spirit, especially after seeing the results.

According to research, physical surroundings can affect our sleep, level of anxiety, and capability to focus. It impacts the way we think, behave, and how we connect with others. Disorganization and being messy are commonly viewed relative to laziness, stress, and even depression. It affects our brain by draining our ability to think and lose our focus. People will see you this way if they are used to you, being clean and organized. But for others, having a messy room seemed okay. It makes them more creative despite the tangle. But what is the importance of cleanliness? And why does a clean house feel good?

alt=”A clean living room. Sparkly Maid of North Shore Logo. Why does a Clean House feel Good?””


Unwinding is a state or feeling of being relaxed after work or tension. You will feel this when you are resting, or having some wine, after a day’s work. Everybody has their way of unwinding. It could be coming to a neat home after a busy day, or reading a book in one corner. Cortisol, also known as the stress hormones, are found high in women who admitted that their place is quite unkempt, based on a study. On the contrary, women who have organized and tidy houses have low cortisol levels and are much happier. Having clean surroundings can help us de-stress, therefore giving us a healthier state of mind.

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Before achieving that sparkling clean finish in all the areas of your home, you may have spent hours vacuuming, dusting, and mopping in every room. Based on a study conducted by, British Journal of Sports Medicine, doing a physical activity for at least 20 minutes a week can affect depression and improve your mental health. You may consider cleaning as a form of exercise as it involves physical activity. Doing physical activities can increase your sense of well-being. You will feel more relaxed and help you think positively about yourself and your future. For others, cleaning is a way of venting out their stress and negative feelings. It is healthy to have an outlet to release such negativity, and that can also help your mental health. Seeing your environment clean will promote calmness and can make you feel joyful and satisfied.



A clean house makes you feel good, maybe because you have been eating nutritious foods lately. Having a calm and clean environment allows you to think well and have healthier choices. Unhealthy food choices are sometimes linked to untidy homes to be able to cope up with stress. Our bodies tend to crave comfort foods to deal with messy surroundings. It is without a doubt that a clean home is associated with having a healthy lifestyle.

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You feel good having a clean home, and you are confident that there is a lesser chance of you getting sick. Your place is well-disinfected from allergens, bacteria, and viruses after a deep and thorough cleaning. You may need to disinfect regularly, especially nowadays, as suggested by the CDC. Always vacuum carpets, beddings, and upholsteries as it decreases allergens that can cause asthma. Having a clean space also keeps the pests away. They will not stay and multiply if there is no food debris or liquid spills elsewhere, so be sure to clean up after every meal or after using the kitchen. These bugs can spread germs that can cause different diseases. Preventing them from multiplying and removing their resources can keep them away, so maintaining a clean environment is a must to avoid catching various illnesses.



Based on studies, having a clean space can boost your productivity as it helps you to focus more on doing tasks. There should be no distractions as there are no clutters or mess to be preoccupied with. Greater work concentration will lead to getting things done fast hence, less time wasted. Untidy spaces can undermine people’s persistence in completing tasks, therefore, affecting productivity. Having a tidy environment truly brings a positive effect on our daily activities.

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It feels so good having a clean home as it can also stimulate your creative side. You may suddenly feel the drive of doing a home makeover, decorating your interiors, or arranging your furniture. You can easily envision how your room would look like because there are no clutters to distract you. A clean home can help you think of new décor ideas to make it feel more homey and comfortable. After all, it’s your humble abode, and nothing can stop you from being creative and giving your best to achieve your dream home.



Being organized on things can help you avoid family fights as you know where you can find each family member’s belongings. Not like with a messy home, you’ll get irritated looking for things, as the room is filled with clutter, and might cause impatience that can lead to a conflict. And as previously mentioned, having a neat home impacts the way we behave and react to others. It can uplift everyone’s mind and spirit and can bring unity and peace among the family members. You need to ask their help to maintain things organized. Healthy relationships with the people around you imply a healthy living. You can also read our previous blog titled, “How Do I Motivate Myself to Clean? To learn more about how you and your family members can be motivated in cleaning.



You now know why having a clean home feels so good. We may have different views about cleaning and being organized, but most of us will agree that having a tidy home is beneficial to our mind, body, and spirit. It brings out positivity which not only radiates in our surroundings but also within ourselves. It helps us unwind, boosts our mental health, decreases our chance of getting sick, and many more. We suggest making cleaning a habit. It doesn’t matter if you start organizing small stuff or doing some major cleaning. Remember that every tiny little step counts. A tidy home makes a tidy mind. Stay healthy!




Sparkly Maid of North Shore is here for you! We are one of the best cleaning services in Chicago, and we certainly want you to feel good having a clean abode. Call us now at 224-600-5487, or you can get a free quote online!